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Plant ceremonies

Deep inspirational process of AWARENESS

Yule Feast - Women looking at the moon

Special Healing Nights

Would you like to step out of the vicious circle that you have created for yourself to survive and experience what life really is about? Are you willing to face your fears and recognize your patterns? Are you addicted to thinking, drinking, sex, medication, or caring for others and do you realize that this is just a distraction from not seeing what is really there?

Do you dare to see control for what it is and surrender to what life has to offer?

If so, I offer you a unique opportunity to get a clear view of what is going on in your life, to receive in-depth physical cleansing and more space to create what you want in this game called “life.”

A very valuable experience to bring clarity to the flow of life and to inspire you to shine.

Give yourself this gift

For whom?

  • For everyone who wants to be more aware and make clear choices from an open heart based on new insights.
  • For everyone who has the courage to see beyond fear and dares to jump into the unknown.
  • For everyone who wants to be part of a beautiful circle with like-minded people.
  • For everyone who wants to keep walking on this magical path called “life”.

Juul Vanleysen

Voor een wonderlijke dame. Voor een wonderlijke sjamane. Voor een nederig, groots wezen. Innige dank. Namaste.
Juul Vanleysen • België


What a beautiful gift this weekend together was. I still have a warm glow in my chest 🙂 […]. All your warmth and love and authenticity will keep me warm and glowing this winter season. Thank you, merci, danke.

Big hug ❤️ • Lisanne

Lieve De Boeck

Life doesn’t mean a thing when not shared!
Lieve De Boeck ?

Mateusz & Nikolas

Thanks for your love, all your teachings and pointings, for your wisdom and laughter and for your warm-heartedness. To show us how extraordinary life is and how to dive deep into our own being.

Mateusz & Nikolas • Germany

Carmen Cheung

Lieve! Duizenden miljoen keer dankbaar zelfs dat is nog te weinig. Dank u dat ik je onvoorwaardelijke liefde heb mogen voelen! Tot snel, veel liefde.
Carmen • België

Carla Van Den Eeckhoudt

Waw, waw en nog eens waw wat een magische energie tijdens en na de vrouwenzweethut…hier wil ik wel een paar jaar in vertoeven….dankjewel Lieve De Boeck en alle mooie dames die aanwezig waren…
Carla Van Den Eeckhoudt • Key Of Live

Nikolas Jürgensmeyer

i’m sending you regards with love and joy and my deep gratitude for all the love you are constantly giving to all of us. There is a tremendous depth in what you are sharing with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! In stillness,

Nikolas • Germany


OMG, (..) Er is zoveel veranderd in mijn leven en ben zo gigantisch stabieler en rustiger. Kan niet wachten om je er meer over te vertellen.

Maxime • België


Ongelofelijk hoe het medicijn en vooral de omgeving, mensen en ceremonie mij gebracht hebben tot de zelfzorg en zelfliefde waar ik overduidelijk nood aan had.


Isabelle de Meyere

Amai, straf hoor afgelopen vrijdag ! We hebben echt genoten van je maanceremonie. Je was zo echt, zo jezelf, heerlijk om je bezig te zien en het was voor ons ook een erg louterende avond. Heel veel dank voor zoveel liefde
Isabelle de Meyere • Brussel

Connect. Activate. Shine.

Time to connect with your essence and everything that lives. Start the journey of self-discovery and re-activate the ability to make conscious choices from an open heart and share your uniqueness.

Plant ceremonies

Deep contact with pure essence

Sweat lodge ceremony

Ancient purifying ritual

Energy healing

Profound 1 on 1 healing

Lieve De Boeck

I am no more and no less than a channel to pass on love, and it is my choice to be no more or no less in this world.

As with every human being, my path is littered with roses and thorns, but in the meantime I have learned that one is not better than the other. Everything is good.

I also found out that the past is nothing more than a story and the future is no more than a dream. I try to fully surrender in the now.

It’s simple for me. I work on the basis of trust. The life I have lived with untold experiences and trainings has brought me to this point. To radiate my unique being to inspire others to do this – in their unique way -.

Questions? Concerns? Special requests?

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