Jan 4, 2022 | Getuigenissen
Ongelofelijk hoe het medicijn en vooral de omgeving, mensen en ceremonie mij gebracht hebben tot de zelfzorg en zelfliefde waar ik overduidelijk nood aan had. Jakob
Jan 4, 2022 | Getuigenissen
OMG, (..) Er is zoveel veranderd in mijn leven en ben zo gigantisch stabieler en rustiger. Kan niet wachten om je er meer over te vertellen. Maxime • België
Oct 22, 2020 | Getuigenissen
i’m sending you regards with love and joy and my deep gratitude for all the love you are constantly giving to all of us. There is a tremendous depth in what you are sharing with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! In stillness, Nikolas •...
Dec 24, 2019 | Getuigenissen
What a beautiful gift this weekend together was. I still have a warm glow in my chest 🙂 […]. All your warmth and love and authenticity will keep me warm and glowing this winter season. Thank you, merci, danke. Big hug ❤️ •...
Dec 24, 2019 | Getuigenissen
Thanks for your love, all your teachings and pointings, for your wisdom and laughter and for your warm-heartedness. To show us how extraordinary life is and how to dive deep into our own being. Mateusz & Nikolas •...
Nov 8, 2019 | Getuigenissen
Life doesn’t mean a thing when not shared! Lieve De Boeck ?